Cityville Franchise Limit is 20 | Cityville Franchise Help

CityVILLE FranchisE Limit Is 20 BUT IF YOU USE the franchise trick u can place more.

Greetings, City Builders. "Franchises" is a fun and exciting feature that lets you expand your businesses to your neighbors' cities.
To start a Franchise you have to have that business already built in your city. Some businesses you can purchase early on in the game, while others have higher level requirements, but you can unlock them with City Cash early.
Expand to a neighbor's city:1. Build a business in your own city.
2. Then visit a friend with an available empty lot.

3. Click on that empty lot to bring up all the businesses you own.

4. An arrow and green box lets you know where it can be placed.

After you have placed your business in your neighbor's city you have to wait for them to accept it. You can remind them by clicking the “Remind” button in the Franchises Menu.  You may only collect after your neighbor has accepted your franchise request.

Collecting and sending a sale:
5. Once your neighbor accepts your business, you will see two icons appear: "Chain locations in need of help!" and "New headquarter available!"

6. Click the top icon to bring up the Headquarters screen, where you can supply your business (by clicking on Supply) and collect your earnings.

7. Click the second of the two icons to bring up a pop-up telling you that you now have a new headquarters building you can place in your city.

8. Click the icon above "Build" to find your new HQ building.

9. Select your new Headquarters.

10. Build your headquarters anywhere in your city, like any other building.

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And that's all there is to starting your very own franchise in CityVille. Please continue reading if you need help accepting a new franchise business from a neighbor, otherwise, go out there and start building!
Accepting a new franchise building from a neighbor
You can have 1 empty lot per neighbor, so as you add more neighbors you can place more empty lots. Your new neighbor can visit your city and expand their business.
1. When a neighbor arrives you see their picture come up above one of your empty lots.

2. Click on that lot to bring up a menu where you can "Accept" (build that business), "Decline" (don't build that business), or click "Later" to decide at a later time.

3. Clicking on "Accept" instantly builds that business and sends you your first sale.

4. Click on that business to start it and receive a bonus. Your neighbor can now send you regular sales.
Now that you know how to start a franchise and how to help your neighbors start theirs, go out there, add new neighbors and start expanding your businesses!
Happy Building!

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