Horse Stable Trick Farmville / Horse Breeding Cheats Farmville
The stable has gone through a few versions since it was originally introduced in March 2010. The latest change about a month or so ago affected the way that players are able to make foals, making my previous guide obsolete. Sigh. But I AM going to use my old guide as a skeleton to write this new guide, mostly because I’m lazy.
You may have noticed that some of your friends seem to crank out one foal after another after another. The method is usually called “Stable Stuffing”, but I call it “making my friends very very happy.”
Stable Stuffing is very tedious and boring to do, but it DOES make your friends very happy. And if your friends also do it, so much the better because you can trade foals with one another. What you are doing is basically leaving your horses outside of the stable to become ready, and then using them to set the stable to ready over and over again.
First you need to do a little preparation. People seem to get hung up on this part so I’ll try to make it as clear as possible. Before you begin breeding.. you NEED to have a completely empty stable. All your horses stay outside. They only go into the stable for a few minutes while you’re breeding, and then they go back outside and mature outside.
What you need:
1) A Stable.
2) Seed horses. These are the standard brown,gray and black mares. Or cream mini horses and blue ponies work well too. You’ll need a lot of them.. one for each attempt. They need to be OUTSIDE of your stable. You will use these to set your stable from 0% to ready status.
4) A Stallion (stud). Either a white, black or mini stallion, which are permanent studs that you can place on your farm and move around. The wandering stallion is just not common enough to be use in rapid succession. You’d have to be constantly looking through your friend’s walls for wandering ones. Breeding programs that involve white black and mini-stallions also give you access to their foal equivalent. There is no “Wandering Stallion foal”.
An overview of what to expect- What this trick does is take an empty stable and set it to 100%. From there, you harvest it, put another “ready” horse inside, which sets it to 100% ready again, and harvest again. Repeat – Repeat – Repeat. Remember that every time you harvest your stable, you have a chance at getting a foal equivalent of any horse that’s currently in it.
Step 1: Make sure your stable is empty and all your other horses are standing outside of it. Your seed horses need to be at least 35% ready to be able to do this.
Step 2: Switch to the Move tool, and put your stud (stallion) in the stable. Switch to the multi-tool and harvest the stable for a chance at getting a foal equivalent of your stud. (Black stallion foal, white foal, white mini foal, etc)
Step 3: Switch to the Move tool again, and move one of your special horses into the stable. Now you have both your stallion and your special horse in the stable. If the special horse was over 35% ready, you’ll notice that your stable went from 0% ready to READY! Pretty nifty, huh? Harvest your stable if it became ready, otherwise just go to step 3.
Step 3: Put one of your seed horses into the stable. Your stable went from 0% ready to READY! Awesome! Now you have the stallion, the special horse, and a seed horse in the stable. Switch to the multi-tool and harvest your stable. If you get a foal, it will be of one of the horses that’s inside. Which means that it might be a foal of your seed. Just saying.
Step 4: Repeat step 3 for as long as you have ready horses to spare. Or you get tired of doing it.
Step 5: When you are done, tired, bored, whatever…. take ALL of your horses out of the stable and leave them outside to mature until tomorrow or so. I guess, if you want… you can leave the stallion inside. It’s up to you. I take them all out, personally.
Have you noticed that ever time you put a ready (34% or higher) horse in the stable, the stable becomes ready to harvest? That’s the main point of the trick, and what you need to keep in mind as you play around with this trick.
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